Friday, February 25, 2011

New Blog

This is a fresh start... a new blog. My other blog found an early grave one recent morning, and it seems there was not much else to do but mourn ever-so-slightly and then move on.

It is not that what I had written was so valuable, but whenever I did look back at a few of my older posts, I could follow a progression in my life… some sort of beneficial growth, I think. I especially had fun reporting on certain projects - the building of a shed, building a fence, making a compost and putting together a small garden. I also loved reminiscing about past vacations, holiday’s, family members ( many furry ones), friends and even some strangers. Lots of tears in some of these brief stories, but mostly joyful stuff.

As a visual artist, I thought I would mainly be keeping a good record of my art career, posting images of new pieces and my visual journey along the way. This happens occasionally, but I think this kind of blog needs to be all-inclusive of who I am, as this is the real stuff behind any creative spirit.

So, here it is, here I am... happy to be here.