Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wire & Paint

I am posting some of my artwork, fulfilling the main purpose for keeping this online journal. My most recent creations involve two elements - steel wire and wood, followed with oil paint. As much as I love painting, there has been this increasing desire to work in a 3-dimensional capacity, and combining these two medias seemed natural when it came to conveying the subject matter... that of Spirit. This one is titled 'Tree Spirit'.

I am fascinated with the world of things we cannot see... the other side, another dimension or plane of existence that mysteriously encompasses the world of spirit. You could say this side of the unknown is that of those who have passed - ghosts, angels, spirit guides and the not so pleasant idea of evil - demons. Whether you believe in these spirits or not, most of us can probably tell a story related to something difficult to explain in our sense of reality.

But, looking at what stands before us in this "real world" does not eliminate spirit. I believe that we are indeed spirit first, and then human being in our material body, second, although most of us go through life completely unaware of this essential part of who we are. I also see this to be true for all living things, and even for things we do not think of as living... rocks, earth, water and fire. These things, in a spiritual sense, are alive, coming to or from life, restoring and changing life and often bringing forth life. They have energy - something measurable and yet unseen, which is regularly used to describe what spirit is.

This series is an attempt to make that connection to spirit, both personally and collectively as a human being and a visual artist.

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